Professional Smile Makeovers

Our cosmetic dental team can help you discover your best possible smile

Smiling couple with great teethThere are many things that we can do to look after our teeth. A healthy and tooth friendly diet, regular quality brushing and regular appointments to see the dentist and hygienist at our Wickford dental clinic is an excellent start. Even if we are fortunate enough to have nice looking teeth though, the years are not always so kind to them, and despite our best care, we may well find that they become less attractive as the years go by.

Teeth can become stained and discoloured, often through a natural darkening of the inner part of our teeth that we can do nothing to prevent. Chips and cracks can appear due to natural wear and tear or even accidents, and too many acidic drinks can lead to our tooth enamel becoming eroded.

When we notice the visual effect that these things are having on our teeth, we may want to address them and do a little research on which cosmetic dental treatments can help to restore them. This direct approach is often not the best way though and you could end up paying for a treatment that isn’t the most suitable for your particular problem, especially if you use some of the offers available via social media and similar places.

A professional smile makeover

If you want to have not only healthy teeth, but your best smile possible, the best thing that you can do is to have a smile makeover at the Cygnet Dental Practice. This is not usually a single treatment but a customised treatment or combination of treatments that are designed to provide you with your best possible smile.

Our cosmetic dentists have many years of experience and will be able to offer their professional advice so that you can receive the most appropriate treatment.

The first steps

The first thing that you need to do is to book an initial consultation. This provides an opportunity to discuss your concerns with the dentist and to put an action plan into place. It also offers something that most online offers don’t, and that is an opportunity to ensure that your teeth are healthy before the treatment starts. For example, some online teeth whitening offers simply provide you with the materials to whiten your teeth without even ensuring that problems like tooth decay or gum disease aren’t present. There is little point in having white teeth if they are going to rot or break not long after. We will always make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy before any treatment starts.

Smile makeover treatments

There are a number of treatments that can be used as part of a smile makeover treatment. Most of these may be familiar to you, but in addition to the results they can achieve, it is also important that they are used in the right circumstances. For example, there would be little benefit in using a teeth whitening procedure for someone with severely stained teeth. The results might show a little improvement but far less than might have been hoped for. Our team can guide you towards the right course of treatments based on the condition of your teeth and your hoped for outcome.

Briefly then, these are some of the treatments that might be used as part of your custom smile makeover treatment.

Teeth whitening

Our ‘at home’ teeth whitening service enables you to improve the whiteness of your teeth by up to eight shades in the comfort of your own home. Using custom made trays for efficiency and comfort, this is a great and affordable way to give your teeth a whiteness boost.

Porcelain veneers

For those whose teeth are more badly stained or where chips and cracks are present, porcelain dental veneers offer a great way to improve their appearance. By replacing the damaged enamel with a fine tooth shaped layer of porcelain, you can have great looking teeth again.


While fillings can be used to restore damaged or decaying teeth, they can be insufficient when damage is extensive. In situations like this, a crown can be a better option and give your teeth a natural look whilst also helping to provide a stronger restoration as well.

Dental implants

Missing teeth can obviously spoil a smile but now, dentures are not your only option. Teeth implants replace the root of the tooth as well as the crown section, providing additional strength and stability and a great looking replacement tooth.

Orthodontics (braces)

While badly crooked teeth can require lengthy treatment, there are a range of cosmetic teeth straightening systems available for those minor, but distracting, problems. Where teeth slightly overlap, for example, the treatment time may only be a few weeks. Most systems now offer more discreet wearing as well.

There are other treatments such as bonding and gum contouring that can be used as a part of this treatment but the above are perhaps the main ones. If you would like to see how we can help you improve your smile, please give our Wickford based clinic a call today. You can call the Cygnet Dental Practice on 01268 733078.