Is Your Tooth Causing You Pain?

Is Your Tooth Causing You Pain?

Emergency toothache treatment advice for our Wickford patients.

We probably rarely think about our teeth, other than when we brush, and hopefully floss, them. We go through our days with barely a thought for them until toothache strikes. The discomfort caused by a toothache can range from a mild ache to severe pain that is unbearable.

To make matters worse, unfortunately toothache often seems to happen in the middle of the night when treatment is not instantly available.

Our immediate thoughts, when a toothache strikes, is how to kill the pain. Especially with a milder toothache though, this can kid us into believing that the problem has gone away, but it is important to remember that it will very likely return and we should not wait until it does to seek professional help.

Treating the pain

Let’s presume that your toothache strikes in the middle of the night where the likelihood is that you won’t be able to get back to sleep until you have dealt with it. For most patients, using a regular painkiller medication is usually sufficient to at least reduce the discomfort, allowing you to sleep a few more hours until treatment can be sought.

Emergency appointment

Painkillers will help to make the discomfort more bearable, but are not a solution to the problem. This will need to be dealt with by our Wickford team at Cygnet Dental. As soon as we are open, you should call us, explaining the nature and severity of the problem. We do not like to see our patients in discomfort and we will do our best to arrange to see you as soon as possible, usually the same day providing that you call us early enough. Do not put off the phone call, even if the toothache has subsided. It will almost certainly come back and delaying the call may mean another night of significant discomfort.

Try to take it easy

Until it is time for your appointment, and unless your pain is fairly minor, try to rest if you can. Perhaps try to distract yourself from the discomfort by listening to music or watching TV. You will probably also need to continue taking your painkillers until your appointment is due. If you are in severe pain, it is best if you can avoid driving to our Wickford practice. A sharp painful sensation could distract you and potentially cause an accident. Patients from slightly further afield towns such as Rayleigh and Basildon especially, might be advised to ask a friend or relative to bring them.

Don’t be late

It is best if you can arrive for your appointment ten minutes or so before it is due. This allows us to deal with the administrative side of things. If you are late for an appointment, another patient may be seen before you, delaying your own treatment.

Remember, toothache is a sign that something is wrong, and even if it goes away, the problem will still be there and will need treating. Prompt action may help us to save a tooth that is in trouble but if you delay treatment, it may no longer be possible to save the tooth.

To arrange an emergency appointment at the Cygnet Dental Practice, please call us as early in the day as possible, on 01268 733078.