Be Cautious Of Ordering Online Orthodontics

The price might be tempting, but there are also potential risks….

Clear teeth bracesOne thing (among many) that the internet revolution has done is to make us more aware of our appearance than before. This isn’t all bad by any means and a bit of self improvement won’t do us any harm.

It has certainly increased the pressure on younger people though and this perhaps makes them more vulnerable to ‘quick fix’ solutions; many of which are available online.

A report on the BBC website today discusses problems that some patients have had when they have tried to improve their smile using orthodontic treatments that are purchased online. On the surface of things, these might seem a good solution at a reasonable price, but things can go wrong if you don’t have this treatment through recognised dental clinics such as the Cygnet Dental Practice.

What is offered?

Essentially, teeth straightening braces are offered online. This is done by providing the patient with a DIY teeth impression kit. Full instructions are provided and the patient takes a bite mould of their teeth and sends them away for their orthodontic trays to be produced. 3D scans are also sometimes available in their ‘bricks and mortar’ stores, though this may depend on where you are located.

So far, this probably doesn’t seem a great deal different to what an experienced local dentist would do, but there are some very important differences that we provide at our Wickford dental clinic.

Step one – Oral health check

The first thing that we do when someone comes to us asking us to straighten their teeth is to give them a thorough oral health check. It is important that issues such as gum disease or incidences of tooth decay are cleared up before the treatment can start. This is something that these offers sometimes don’t account for.

Step two – X-rays and scans

X-rays and scans are not only used to create the best configuration for the trays that are eventually produced, but also to assess the strength and general health of your tooth roots and also the surrounding bone structure. Orthodontics work by applying gentle pressure to the teeth, encouraging their movement towards the desired position. If the teeth or bone are not strong enough for this, it could cause the teeth to become loose and wobbly. Without a physical in-house examination, there is no way of knowing this and you could be creating a major problem for yourself.

The fact that many of these products offer faster teeth straightening indicates that they may use more force than the ones supplied by us. This might decrease the treatment time but also significantly raises the risk of damage too.

Step 3 – Your aligners

We can’t really comment on the quality of the trays that are used in online offers as they may vary. There have been a few issues though where patients have noticed that the enamel on their teeth feels a little strange. It is possible that this could be through an incorrect fit, but it is also possible that it is the material used in the trays that could be an issue with some providers. If you have orthodontic treatment at our Wickford clinic, you can be sure that we only use high quality aligners such as Invisalign that have a long track record for quality.

Step 4 – Monitoring

Online orthodontics do offer ongoing monitoring but do so virtually. Patients are asked to take photographs which are sent in and checked by a dentist. Aside from the difficulty in taking photos of your teeth from different angles, it is next to impossible to capture all parts of your teeth. They are also unlikely to detect issues such as decay or gum disease which can occur during the treatment if you are not looking after your teeth well enough.

Nothing can beat regular physical checks during your orthodontic treatment. We don’t simply check that your teeth are starting to look nicer and are in the right position, but also check for other issues that may arise and will also discuss how they are feeling and if you have any concerns that might need addressing.

Although we do understand the appeal of having your teeth straightened faster and sometimes cheaper, it is inevitable that there are risks in doing so. Some of these risks may cause permanent damage and you could suffer from irreversible problems, or at least without significant treatment like implant placement to replace any missing teeth. Please take a look at the BBC report if you think all is well and it may give you a broader understanding.

Our advice is to never take chances with your teeth. A great smile is important of course, but so is the health of your teeth and gums and anything that is a potential risk should be avoided at all cost.

If you are unhappy with your uneven or crooked teeth and would like to find out more about how we can straighten them for you, please call The Cygnet Dental Practice today on 01268 733078.