What Makes People Most Dissatisfied About Their Teeth?

What Makes People Most Dissatisfied About Their Teeth?

And what treatments can Cygnet Dental Practice provide to help you change things?

If you are really happy with your teeth, then you are one of the few very lucky ones, or perhaps you have already addressed any problems and have had cosmetic dentistry to restore their appearance? If not, then you are far from alone being unhappy with some aspect of the appearance of your teeth. Many people express some dissatisfaction with the way that they look or feel.

In today’s blog, we are going to take a look at some of the most common reasons for dissatisfaction with people’s teeth. Some of these issues are aesthetic whilst others create problems that can cause discomfort or challenges in their daily life.

Painful teeth

Let us address this one first of all. If you are experiencing any pain from your teeth or notice that they are moving around, you should see a dentist straight away. The starting point for being happy with your teeth is that they are strong and healthy. Even if you have other concerns, perhaps about their appearance, you won’t be able to receive treatment until your teeth are restored to good health, so this should be your starting point.

Crooked teeth

One of the most time consuming issues to fix is that of crooked teeth, especially where this is significant, as opposed to minor issues. Although dental veneers can sometimes be used to correct the appearance of slightly crooked teeth or minor gaps between the teeth, in most cases, you will need to wear orthodontics (braces) to correct any problems. Standard braces are still available of course, but there has been a distinct shift towards the modern generation of orthodontics which offer a greater degree of comfort and are almost invisible when being worn.

Missing teeth

A visible gap in the teeth is an obvious cause for dissatisfaction but even those teeth that are less visible should ideally be replaced if they fall out or have to be extracted for any reason. Dentures are a common option but dental implants provide a superior method for most people. While they enable the patient to smile confidently again, they also provide a very strong replacement for the missing tooth root. It is this that gives dental implants their advantage over other tooth replacement methods. Dental implants can last for twenty years or more with good care and offer an excellent level of strength and stability too.

Painful or bleeding gums

It isn’t just teeth that patients come to their local Wickford dentists for when they have problems. In quite a few cases, the issue is caused by gum disease. Gums affected by gingivitis or periodontitis may well be inflamed and sore and may even bleed when you brush them. Early stage gum disease (gingivitis) can often be reversed and managed by having a scale and polish, provided by the hygienist, along with ongoing care. Where periodontitis has occurred, you may need more invasive treatment to save the tooth as it can weaken the surrounding bone as well. Prevention is key here though and we strongly recommend that patients see the hygienist on a regular six monthly basis to avoid problems from occurring in the first place.

Sensitive teeth

Although this could be classed along with painful teeth, some people may feel that, although it is uncomfortable and inconvenient, it isn’t an issue that requires the intervention of a dentist and is something that they just have to put up with. Unfortunately, if you are experiencing this type of discomfort, there is likely to be damage to the tooth enamel, whether this be a cracked tooth or eroded enamel that exposes the underlying dentin layer. In many cases, erosion is the likely cause and can best be restored by using a porcelain dental veneer to replace the damaged enamel. Failure to address this problem may lead to not only painfully sensitive teeth but eventual tooth decay.


One thing that can really spoil an otherwise nice smile is when teeth are dull or discoloured. This can be caused through the consumption of staining food and drinks but also the effects of ageing on the teeth. There are two options available to restore teeth to their former condition and these are a teeth whitening procedure or dental veneers (in this case used for cosmetic purposes). The choice of these will depend on the nature and severity of the problem and your dentist will be able to advise.

If you are unhappy with your teeth, you are not alone but it doesn’t have to be that way. Our dentists at the Cygnet Dental Practice have the skills and experience to help you restore your teeth to good health and back to looking their best. If you would like to discover what we can do to help you, please call our Wickford dental clinic to find out more. You can call us today on 01268 733078. We look forward to seeing you and helping you on your journey to a great looking smile.